

All important topics at a glance

Topic: Booking

Do the pre-booked dive packages have to be dived at one stretch?

No, they can freely be splitted over the holiday period.

What if I have to cancel a dive day out of my pre-booked dive package / Minisafari due to illness?

The dive package still remains cheaper than the same service booked on site. In case of a serious illness we usually cancel the dive package on site and count the transferred amount as a deposit.

!!! EXCEPTION: Not made dives during a Minisafari can not be refunded !!!

What happens if I have booked a dive package in advance, but then I have to cancel the trip?

In case of cancellation of the trip we will transfer the total amount back. Inform us by mail with the account details for the refund.

Can I pay for the dive package later on site?
No, only the current price list applies
How do I book my dive package as a 'returner' with lots of diving experience, if I want to start with a full day trip?
Just book an available diving package in our Red Sea Shop, the ½ day will be put at the end of the holiday and is compensated by an additional payment
Can I use my Return Card / Dive-Visa for the already cheaper online diving package?

No, that can be used only on the on-site prices of dives and equipment.

Which is cheaper, the Return Card / Dive-Visa or pre-booking?

Prebooking in our Red Sea Shop

Is there an exception (!) to the sharing of a pre-booked dive package for diving parents with infant(s)?

Yes, parents can share a dive package.

Why should I not book equipment in advance with the family diving package?

If you decide to pre-book a family dive package, please do not add rental equipment as these 2 items are not compatible in the pre-booking (the rental equipment in the online shop is linked to the normal dive packages).

What about a pre-booked dive package if I am going on a Minisafari?

2 or 3 full day trips will be taken from your dive package plus the appropriate on-site surcharge depending on the type of Minisafari.

Can I book dives at the house reef in advance from home?

No, house reef dives can only be booked on site. Just contact our office.

Topic: Rental Equipment

What valve do our tanks have?

Our tanks have DIN - valves. Adapters from INT to DIN are sufficiently available.

Do you have any boxes or bags?

Free diving bags are available.

Can I store my diving equipment e.g. between 2 holidays with you?

Yes, free storage is possible.

How can my digital photos from an underwater camera be stored for me?

On your USB stick, your SD card etc.

Topic: Training
What is the procedure of a rescue course?

Dauer 3 Tage (1 Tag Land/2 Tage Boot) inkl. theoretische und praktische Notfallmanagement – Ausbildung, Wiederbelebung, effektive Erste Hilfe – Leistung, Unfallmanagement, Stresserkennung und Selbstrettung. Minimum requirement is AOWD or equivalent, first aid certificate, max. 2 years old, recommendation: at least 40 dives, age from 18 years. Mostly it is a one-to-one course (1:1) and can only be carried out at short notice after availability of a diving instructor.

Topic: Medicine and health
Do I need a diving medical certificate?

It's actually part of diving. Usually the signature on the medical health questionnaire on site is sufficient for us, if your health and fitness condition is not restricted by any diseases If, for example, you take medication regularly and from the age of 60, a medical certificate is required. However, this could also be done on site at short notice.

What if I do not have diving accident insurance?

In general, we advise you to take out diving accident insurance at home before your holiday. An offer of the company Hypermed can be concluded on site in our office. Hypermed offers a diving support programme for a period of 4 weeks, which covers up to 3 treatments in the decompression chamber in the unlikely event of a diving accident (decompression sickness or air embolism).

Topic: General Info
Why do you need the passport/identity card with visa, i.e. the entry document?

A copy goes to the authorities for the permits.

Why is night diving, except on a Minisafari, no longer possible?

Because the ships are not allowed to return to port after dark for official reasons.

What temperature does the water have in the winter months?

About 21-23 degrees.

What is the air temperature in the winter months?

Very variable, depending on the wind.

Do I have to participate in the Check-In day with acclimatization dive?

Yes, unless you have been in the water recently and/or are an experienced diver and do not need rental equipment.